GPS SDC-Lesson 14 Great Plain Squares
Lesson 14
Pass to the Center Typical starting formation - eight chain

All pass thru, and the new ends partner trade. Ends in a beginning double pass thru.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Cloverleaf Typical starting formation - completed double pass thru

Leaders turn away from each other and walk forward in an arc turning 270° to end facing in the center. Trailers follow the leaders, going through the same motions, to end behind the leaders. Ends in a beginning double pass thru. If only some dancers are designated, the designated dancers do the leaders' part without stepping into the center, while the others step forward into the center.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Turn Thru Typical starting formation - facing dancers or right-hand mini-wave

Dancers step to a wave, right arm turn 1/2, and step thru to end back to back with each other. From a mini-wave, dancers omit stepping to a wave as they already have right hands joined. Ends in dancers back to back.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Spin the Top Typical starting formation - wave

Dancers arm turn 1/2, and the centers arm turn 3/4 while the ends move up in a 90° arc to be ends of a wave. Ends in a wave.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares